Sabado, Marso 3, 2012

Blog 15 - "The Summary"

This would be probably the last blog that, I will post regarding on MIS assignment. So I have chosen "the summary" as the title of this blog because this post contains all about the topics, my learning experience ( In short all the sufferings and the fun I've expereince on this subject. ), and the instructor! 

The Topics
The weekly topics that are given can be classified in to two, the first one is a self explanatory and the other one needs some technical knowledge to expalin to the readers what the topic is, in easiest possible way. So this is the list of the topic that, I have done. (it's really huh!)
1. UML
2. My dream gadgets 
3. Algo Vs. Algo
4. The Tablet Vs. PC
5. The best blog ever (no blog cause it's a christmas gift hehehehe... thanks sir!)
6. Canon or Nikon?
7. How search engine works?(Dogpile)
8. IT, IS, and CS what is the difference?
9. All about the subject
10. My Thesis title
11. Flash ad. (CEIT- CS)
12. Programming language (BOO)
13. Smartest among the smart phones?
14. SOPA and PIPA
So if you are one of my classmates you would probablly say "Aw! Wala kang ginawang madali!" I have chosen all my topics except for the Programming language because I have NO CHOICE! If, I have complaints in selecting a topic, That is, I can't choose what, I really wanted. Like choosing between an apple or an apple because, I have to consider my partner wants. But I have always move on. hahahaha... I think there's no hard topics in MIS to blog because I've finished it, knowing my capabilities. and also my classmates have done it all well so why can't I? The real fun part is namming your chosen topic! hahaha, you need to think an attractive way that a reader will have a hint of the topic but also to be curious what is it's content. 

My Learning Experience
I have a lot of learning experince on this blog. First, this is the first time that I have learn how to blog. Second, I have explore my weaknesses like cameras and other such things it's like exploring a new field with a certain time. I belive that all things can be "rushed"! But this time I'm wrong! hahaha... There are things that we need to understand well before we can make an opinion... It's the word "understanding" which makes the topic really interesting and time consuming. For me the greatest experience that I would always remember, Is that everything how hard or easy can be their's a simple and effective way to understand.

About the Instructor
Hmmm... EVIL!!! hahaha... Joke! Our professor in MIS is really good, very good, and excellent. Why do i say this is because he knows what he is doing and knows what a student really needs to learn in this subject. He teaches a student in a manner like a student talking to another student. No complex words(jargon) but a hell of a good exapmles! this shows that my statement "Everything can be explained in simple yet effective way." AHYEAH!!! And he's right! How can a student survive in the real world of work, if the instructor teachings are all based in textbook. So how could the student be effective in the future? that's what I'm talkin' about! teach only what he needs to know not what he will left after garduation. 

The time was so fast that i'm really typing my last blog. It's just like when I wrote my first blog and post yesterday, and now it's the last time of blogging on this site and maybe I'll make my new cause it's my partner's (Edil Solis) email that, I' am using. So freakin happy to finished this blog in english hahaha! i'm sorry if my english is not good because I WILL BE A COMPUTER SCIENTIST in a few sem. I will write my name and student number after this the next sentence the last time. As I close this conversation with you I hope you have learn on this blog site that my partner and I have contributed a lot of time and knowledge, Happy but sad cause no more morning goodnights! and no stressfull weekends, I will surely miss doing this, I have a great time doing this, END. :D
March 4, 2012 // 12:38 PM (LATE!!! hahaha)

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